Oakdale Neighbors

Oakdale Neighbors

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Company Information

Oakdale Neighbors is a Christian Community Development Organization established in 1996, with a vision to help create a neighborhood of vitality and grace by discovering, developing, and connecting neighbors’ skills, and resources. We believe that all people and neighborhoods have God-Given gifts and assets. Our mission is to invite residents and local institutions to act collectively to create a stronger, safer, more caring neighborhood where all people and gifts are welcome.

We offer a variety of programs to our community, including:

  1. Lamp Post Safety & Financial Literacy Program.

  2. Learning Cafe’ (Youth Mentoring & Tutoring Program).

  3. Boston Square Community Bikes.

  4. Comprenew Connect Computer Training.

  5. Chess Club

  6. Treasure Hunt

  7. Robotics

How many internships are you providing to the program?: 4

Company History

Placements require a financial obligation of $1,600 for each youth under 18 years old, and $2,000 for each intern 18 or older. Please indicate if you are a nonprofit organization and need wage assistance.: Yes
Public Transportation Supports: Proximity to bus line and details of which line/stop. Wheels to Work program participation and cost.: Approximately 1/2 (Half a mile form our location). Line 2, Ramona & Fuller.
Is your organization a Minority Business Enterprise?: No
Diversity Equity, & Inclusion Commitment: Share your organizations commitment to DEI, including local or national diversity commitments/pledges, links to public content outlining your strategy, and current representation in leadership and the general workforce.: We have a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Policy on our website at www.oakdaleneighbors.org Hit the drop down box, About Us, and Oakdale Neighbors Documents. Fourth document from the bottom.

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